Thursday, July 3, 2008

Tips in Attracting Women

There are men that will not be great when it comes to women.


You might be thinking I'm crazy, but it's true.

A lot of men just can't be there.

And it's not because they're not smart enough or somehow defective...

The truth is, it's a subconscious choice that they have made unknowingly.

Now I'm here to help in making sure that you are or will not one of those guys.

What you will hear from me may probably not be hear from other gurus because it's such a very subtle but very powerful fix that most leave it out of the equation.

Let me tell you about Matt. He is a good guy and likes to socialize.Actually he has taken a bootcamp with another one of the pickup companies. But Matt still doesn't get the success he really wants; in fact he's not successful at all.

"Vin, why don't you help him!?"

There are a couple reasons why I don't help Matt out. One being he's too set in his ways and is stubborn.

BUT, that's not the real reason. If he was only stubborn I'd have an easy time changing his mind about things.

The real reason why I can't help him is the same reason why he isn't successful with women.

I've already said Matt's a good guy, but every time I talk to him I get the feeling like he wants something from me. In fact a lot of our common friends have said the same thing to me about him.

We don't like hanging out with him and neither do women.

Matt always give this vibe of having a hidden motive. He talks to you like a friend, which is great, but he naturally gives off a vibe that says to me that he's trying to take knowledge, power and fun from me.

The same thing happens when he's talking to girls. He treats them in a friendly manner and is funny but always gives off this vibe that on another level he has an underlying motive.

Having intentions with women isn't a bad thing. If you express your sensual desire openly women will accept it, especially if you have tight game. It may even turn them on. IN FACT it will skyrocket your conversion rate if you do it the right way.

But if you hide your intentions and you come off as creepy and weird. Women won't trust you or feel secure being around you alone. You could be the best actor in the world but... THEY WILL KNOW.

Being creepy is the "Death" card in the Tarot deck of your love life. This will destroy any chance of success you might have.

Now you know what might be going wrong. Let's go fix it.

The first thing you need to do is to begin being fun and unattached to the outcome whenever you can. This isn't about giving back money. This could be anything from telling a great story to a group or being a great host to a bunch of your friends. It could also be a compliment (in the right way of course) or a tease that will spike emotions in way that is fun to a girl.

Be out there talking to women not just because you want to pickup, but because women are amazing and fun and interesting and wonderful.

Next is you need to start being clear about your intentions. This doesn't mean directly telling a women "My purpose of talking to you is so that I can get into your pants." That's a sure way to kill your pickup as fast as being creepy.

There are small subtle changes you can make in your behavior that will affect how your intentions are perceived and if you're congruent with what you're saying. There are so many small fixes that I could write a novel on them.

Do you want to read a novel about fixing your creepy vibe and then taking the months to use it that it will require? I didn't think so. I wouldn't want to spend the months writing that novel either.

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