Sunday, November 11, 2007

Synopsis of the Mystery's The Pick Up Artist

Have you seen Mystery's the Pick Up Artist aired on VH1? I've seen that episode and wanted to share with you guys my predictions.

What I liked:

1. The Students. Generally, I love the pick-up students because they're always so eager to learn, share a common interest with me, and so grateful for even the small of improvement they make. Students are hands down the #1 reason why I do what I do.

2. Ridiculous Outfits of Mystery. No one can peacock like mystery, hands down. And the shows budget really allows for some fancy stuff. I dig it. Peacocking that hard is actually quite a challenge. Don't believe me? Go to your local lair and look at all the guys who try it and get it wrong. It's a trainwreck.

3. The Challenges. It was fun, entertaining and creative. Winner of one contest gets to walk around with a cute puppy in the next. Hillarious.

What I didn't like:

1. Mystery is so attached to his structured method that he wasn't aware why there some of his students fail... He got a blind spot on seeing that. "Yeah he should have used a false time constraint". How about his lame body language, complete lack of masculine vibe and messed up compliance ratios?

2. Isn't it tiring using a 4 year old material like a non-sensual conversation that goes NOWHERE! Yeah you bet! Sure you can get the girl to answer your question, but I don't see a PROGRESS with it. Instead of teaching the guys memorizing routines and lines, why not make them powerful, masculine and effective?

3. J-Dog's hair. I don't think I need to go into this. Looks like the poor dude passed out on a park bench in the middle of a graffiti contest. While there were certainly things about this show that bug the working pick up artist in me, I have to hand it to Mystery and VH1 for presenting the community in a good light to a mainstream audience.

Out of the four dudes left, here's some of my predictions:

Alvaro: This guy COULD become a master pua, but not in a few weeks, and not under Mystery's tuleage. He got the "inner flame" that drives him to excel in different things, but he needs to be consistent, and kill his approach anxiety and fear. He's still got the brakes on but in the moment he gets past that, his game will explode.

Brady: Tall, good looking, fast learner. He's chill, makes steady progress. His use of corny material, and constant second guessing of himself is what's holding himself back. If he just chills out and acts NORMAL he'll be on fire. Again though, like Joe, will probably become complacent at a certain level.

Joe: I think he has got the serious potential in the show. He got the attitude down, but he's the type that will get a certain level of success and become complacent. He'll get a girlfriend and develop his social circle and work off that. Not TRUE master pua material. I just don't see the kind of passion/drive that would carry him to Master PUAdom. He may do well on the show, however, just due to the lack of competition.

Pradeep: He could be a master pua, but he has to seriously increase his sexuality appeal. He's still in the friend zone. Doesn't matter if he got that chick's number on the show because that was FRIENDLY number close. He's interesting but... too interesting. It's giving the woman something to be attracted to, but those things are too exterior to get that deep physical attraction that a pua needs to do fast pulls, sensual selection switching, multiple relationship stuff, etc...

Overall, the show is super entertaining and I'll definitely be trying to catch another episode if I can.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Attraction Techniques for Pick-Up Artist

One of the mistakes that some guys commits when they first meet a girl is to show that they understand the GAME. Like, they'll start talking about evolution, alpha males, how girls will always cheat on their boyfriends, how they know girls are more intimate guys and blah blah.

I will refer to this kind of act as nonsense as "The Talk of Death".

As a pick-up guru this kind of things will make your conversation topics very poor with women. Especially hot ones.

It might work with the social anthropologist grad student, but to the girl that any man in his right mind would be attracted to, there are a few major things wrong with this strategy:

(BTW - if you happen to find a girl that loves this kind of stuff, by all means go on with it, I'm just saying it should not be used as an ATTRACTION techniques for most of the female population)

1. It puts her on the defensive. It's exactly like one country revealing it's battle plans to another country that it is at war with.

It shows that you are "thinking too much" about the dynamic, which not only is a huge turn off, but also makes her think you're going to be a mind-trip. Not good.

2. There are chances that her awareness level is about 10% of yours.

Especially if you're keeping up on my newsletters which is called "Stepped Awareness".

Have you ever tried played a song you LOVED for a friend and they just didn't get it?

It's because their awareness didn't go through the same process that yours had - and resulted in you really liking the song...

What would expect to a girl who spends the majority of her time thinking about new shoes, jewelries and her problems with her boss, wouldn't you think it's just too alien and weird for her when you talk about "the unique mating patters of the bonobo apes and how it relates to girls in the club".

This is the same reason why you'll sometimes see the biggest AFC ever with a smoking hot girl. He's normal, and she can easily introduce him to her friends without being ashamed!

3. To a girl that DOES understand it; you talking about it make it seem like a big deal, when it should be plainly obvious.

5-10% of women actually DO get this stuff. It's obvious, intuitive and accepted for them.

These women are capable of open relationships and tend to also like women, and generally a lot of fun.

But here's the thing - the guys they end up dating ALSO get this stuff intuitively.

And when you get something intuitively, you'll never go out of your way to convince another person of it, or explain it like it's some huge revelation!

So the moment you do it, the women who are most eligible for the lifestyle you're looking for, will instantly disqualify you.

So... What to do instead?

Well - one of the most powerful techniques I use is this:

**Understand society's programming, understand her specific programming, and appear to be under the exact same programming.**

Once you try these techniques, you're absolutely see a big difference in your game.

Keep your knowledge of REALITY to yourself (and of course, if you figure out anything amazing, I would appreciate it if you share it on my forum as well)

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Does Neil Strauss has Game?

I have become quite an expert on fast pick-ups.

But there's one little problem...

You see, even though guys that can pull these off enjoy not only success with women straight out of a fantasy world and typically get women obsessed with them, with a fast pick-up comes a big problem...


Yes, that true because sometimes fast pick-up becomes a one-night stand (Fine, if it is your intention), and never converts into a relationship.

But a lot of times, you DO want to see the woman again - or possibly start a RELATIONSHIP with her.

Here's something i want to share with you - EVERY woman I have slept with in the past 2 years has been under 4 hours.

And every single one of them, wanted to see me again...

I am saying this not to boast. I'm only saying this so that you can realize the immense amount of value I can offer you as a client of mine, and to prove a very important point:


There are three major things you have know to help you in continuing an intimate relationship with a woman...

And I feel it's time to expose a few myths about this.


MYTH #1: You need to "build comfort" with a woman for 7+ hours before sleeping with her.

As I stated before, it has nothing to do with the amount of time you spend with the woman before you sleep with her.

In fact, the secret lies in what you do AFTER you sleep with her.

I have got it down to an exact science. A series of actions and behaviors after sleeping with her is practically guarantee she will not only see you again, but also be obsessed with you...

Just bring out the natural behaviors of yours that a person can learn in less than five minutes. No fancy routines or lines...

Would you like to know the REALITY of this situation?

The reality is some of the hottest, most intelligent women I have dated LOVED the excitement of getting physical really fast.

It's straight out of the movies, and very few guys can pull it off skillfully.

MYTH #2: You need to reassure your woman that you will and love to see her again before sleeping with her.

Many guys try this... they imply that the girl is "relationship material" or that he definitely wants to see her again.

Man... what a way to kill intrigue right off the bat...

Guys do this and tend to come on wayyyy to strong. They appear too interested, too needy, to desperate to get a girlfriend.

But at the same time you should NEVER connote that it's a one night stand, or that you're just interested in having her in bed.

This isn't very effective either...

MYTH #3: You have to be great in bed the first time you sleep with her.

One of my friend, Julian, who is admittedly bad in bed and only lasts for about 3 minutes converts girls like *CRAZY*.

Point being, he is NOT good in bed (his choice), and STILL gets girls so crazy about him, they won't leave him alone.... (so he ends up playing Gears of War on his XBox360 while they sit there naked, watching him.)

At this point you may be thinking...


I understand.

But listen. This is an important information that you're going to need soon.

And let's be honest - when you DO start sleeping with women - wouldn't you rather have the CHOICE to see them again or not?

That's what I thought.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Letting a Girl Know that You are for Real

How do you let a woman know that the vibe you're putting off in the beginning is the real you?

How does a woman know that after you slept with her all of what you said will be backed up?

These questions have the same answer... "CREDIBILITY".

Able to create credibility is one of the main components in sleeping with a girl quickly.

Most guys think they don't have enough value, 90% of their time, they lack credibility. In fact, these days most of everything used in creating value only serves to make a nasty woman-repelling player vibe. (and just to let anyone KNOWS I don't even teach value. Not for a damn second!)

"Player vibe" is not actually a bad vibe, but a mistake in building and maintaining credibility.

Creating a sexual tension is another component.

And as a good student of pick-up, you know that some women need sexual tension to sleep with you and the other half need credibility first. (You do know that, right?)

So let's get down to it:

There are three levels of credibility.

1. Safety
2. Commonality
3. Direction

Safety: The most basic and fundamental level of credibility, you need to demonstrate SAFETY before you can make woman sleep with you.

Commonality: You need to demonstrate commonality in order for a woman to continue sleeping with you, or have a relationship with you.

Direction: You need to show direction in order that the woman you desire will leave her current boyfriend or change her existing life plans to be with you.

You can think of the three levels in this way:

Safety - It's safe to have you in her world.
Commonality - You have a common things in her world. You have the same perceptions, values, and goals.
Direction - You have the ability to rearrange and modify the realm of a woman.

These are best demonstrated in order and you can get really good at this.

At first, you might usually good at meeting a certain kind of woman.

It's because men naturally understands a certain type of world view.

But as you get good, you'll start to be able to match ANY woman's world view.

The best way of doing this is by anticipating the thoughts and verbalizing a woman's feelings or views about the world, as if they are your own.

At first you will just be remembering things she's said in the past, and then repeating it after she had forgotten what she said.

Then you will get good at pacing woman's reality and leading. Eventually it gets to the point where you can intuitively understand woman's reality. Then a woman will trust you and allow you to change something for her. You enter her world, and then start teaching her new things about HER world.


You have to realize that every person you meet is socially programmed in a different way. Even you have social programming. We all do.

It's not really a bad thing. In fact, it's very useful.

Although we understand a lot of a woman's behaviors come from her social programming, we can't expect a woman to realize that.

Men have an instinct to try to sleep with as many women as possible while women have an instinct to choose men who demonstrate a high chance of sticking around to raise children.

These instinct is reinforced by social programming.

Woman's programming is her reality and literally her world.

And credibility is about showing you understand her world.


Think about if you were comfortably warm sitting in a chair in your bedroom. .

Then a guy came in. And he said he was cold and wanted to turn up the heat. Then he told you he liked the couch you were sitting in. And asked if he could urinate in the corner.

You would feel very annoyed with him. You might even think he's crazy.

He's showing you that he's not seeing the same reality as you. He's "in his own world".

Because he has shown you that he doesn't understand your world, and doesn't respect your world - you probably wouldn't connect with him, or feel like giving him compliance.

And wouldn't trust a guy like that.

This is how women feel when you don't demonstrate credibility.

If she thinks that it's a bad thing for people to kiss and tell (most women do) -> You should show her you ALSO believe it's bad for people to kiss and tell.

If you have the same perceptions about the world as her, it will build your credibility immensely.

That's when you know you get this thing.

When someone comes along who understands a woman's reality so well, she doesn't just think he's perceptive and skilled, she just feels a connection.

She thinks "He's just like me!"

This is really the easiest thing in the world. Yet so many people mess it up.

It's a major piece and you'll watch your game improve dramatically once you get this.