Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Fashion For The Pickup Artist Pt. 2

(continued from part 1)

There was about a couple of times that I did the peacocking. I did that to see if it worked because I heard that other guys were doing it.

I felt ridiculous when I went out and was totally incongruent with my personality.

But we all know that women pay attention to fashion, and like a well-dressed man.

I noticed that it was in my workout clothes or something really basic - like jeans and a tanktop that some of my best pickups occurred.

At the same time, I'd see muscled-up guys wearing revealing spandex, or super-tight shirts at the club, and women definitely did not respond well to this.

This got me thinking...maybe it's not how much the clothes cost, or how flashy they are...

Maybe there's something else going on.

Actually, there are two things going on, and you must manage and balance these two things.

First, avoid seeking approval from women. You are toast, if a woman can tell you that you are trying to impress her and make her like you.

Women will see you coming a mile a way and put up their defenses if you look like you got dressed with the intention of getting their attention.

You DON'T have to look like a pick up artist.

It's better to dress modestly, and not put too much thought into it.

However, you need to present yourself in the best way you can and not to look sloppy.

This comes back to self-expression.

You now have sense what kind of guy you are, what your "scene" is, what you think is cool.

Never change that.

Instead, develop it, with these simple tweaks.

Wear colors that appeal to your skin tone and hair color. This isn't rocket science. Go to an upscale men's clothing store, and ask someone about this. Or look online.

Next is to make sure that your clothes are clean, wrinkle free and reasonably updated. A woman will not worry about bringing you around her friends.

Lastly, make sure your clothes fit well, meaning, they ACCENTUATE YOUR MASCULINE PHYSIQUE.

Square your shoulders and wear shirts that narrow your waist.

Put on a pants that make your legs look long and thin.

Wear shoes that make your feet look big and well-formed.

Groom yourself - nose, neck, and ear hairs. Get a decent haircut. Shave, or don't, but figure out what looks best and take it all the way.

One other thing...

Accessories should adhere off you loosely, and have a look of a small decoration that says, "yeah, I can fuck."

Make out for your intuition with this one. I don't want to say too much because that's a whole other topic.

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